We hope you enjoy this beautiful photo taken by one of our Maryland fans, Mark Phillips. Those beautiful bushes behind Ray turn a gorgeous shade of pink in the peak of autumn. At this time of year, we would normally be saying goodbye to summer at Bristol, but as you all know, well, we don't even have to say it at this point. We are wistfully sad that we will be missing yet another part of our yearly journey.
We have now been at our home in Florida for 6 months and we do not expect to leave anytime soon. Being at home has its rewards, and we are exceedingly grateful that we have a place to call home. It is, however, slightly disorienting to miss out on all the beautiful autumn colors that the northern states begin to enjoy this time of year.

In our last performances at the Bristol Renaissance Faire, we begin to see the nighthawks gathering in large numbers in their yearly migration south. I am always amused to watch migrating monarchs landing in the flight field as I practice in the final weekends until the faire's finale Labor Day weekend. When we finally are all packed and heading east, I often see the monarchs lazily flying across the intersections when I am stopped at a traffic light. It always brings a smile to my face wondering how many people are absorbed in all of life's problems and never see the beauty that is right there in front of them

We will also miss our visit with Ray's daughters in New York. Since our travels don't take us up there in the spring anymore, we have changed our visiting time to the autumn, which is a spectacular time of the year to visit New York anyway. The leaves have just started to change, and we follow autumn all the way from Wisconsin through Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, and finally New York. It seems like a long drive, but when you stop and camp along the way with 13 birds of prey, it seems leisurely and like an adventure.
We hope you are all out there enjoying the autumn wherever you are. Please take time to enjoy the moment and the beauty that nature has to offer. We have missed out on so much this year, but we are grateful for the daily treasures that bless us.
We have some beautiful new beaded ornaments for sale in our store! Please click on the pictures below to be directed there.